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Interview Drills - 4

Stacks markets.

Front End Web 2.0

  • React Vue Angular Svelte WCs
  • What % of jobs each?

Front End Web 1.0 (Built on back end)

  • Thymeleaf
  • jsps
  • Velocity
  • other?
  • how does this category assemble data vs Web 2.0 browser client platforms

Back End Rest Data

  • Spring Boot Java Hibernate
  • PHP Laravel
  • Python?
  • Other?
  • How does the market organize around these options?

Different Types of Teams

Which types of orgs gravitate to which types of stacks?

  • Enterprise (large corps and govt)
  • data science
  • startup-ish and kiddie coders
  • Enterprise but departmental
  • Hard core

Persistence Stores

There are at least 3 major categories of persistence stores.

Sometimes these categories are generalized as DB or databases.


  • Oracle
  • Mysql/Maria
  • Amazon variants of Mysql
  • lotta others


  • too many great choicesto even enumerate
  • Mongo
  • Cassandra

Reactive Stores

  • Kafka
  • Flink
  • lotta others

Find a Sentence to Work In This Statement

  • "That's what I usually focus on when refactoring my code for unit tests"
  • "Sometimes I think that Test first or TDD is faster than just refactoring later"
  • "Yes, sometimes I feel overly comforted by conventions and standards such as [...]"
  • "I prefer the creativity of data structures and communications protocols to the creativity required by the visual arts"
  • "That question would be more about the business objectives than the back end design"
  • "When I have time to research other stacks, I wonder if [...] might be something that would be interesting for that"