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Interview Drills - 3

These reps help you build a context for a deeper understanding of how your interviewer relates your knowledge to his needs.

Starting Topics

If you have interviewed recently, please feel free to make suggestions to list below

This is a prelimary list of topics in a preliminary format

  • refactoring - how to do ane when and what it means
  • containers - docker and dcontainers
  • IOC - Inversion of Control Container
  • singleton pattern
  • gang of 4
  • jvm
  • what is the benefit of the singleton pattern on a server
  • what is spring
  • what category of tool is maven?
  • what other tool competes with maven on the JVM?
  • what other tools are like maven on other systems:
    • python: composer
    • c: make
    • javascript: npm and many others
  • how to instantiate a program with maven
  • how to write a unit test using right click
  • what governs how you name a unit test?
  • how many tests can you put inside a unit test?
  • is there such a thing as a perfect test?
  • what are some disadvantages of perfecting tests?:
    • takes forever to write
    • diminishing returns
    • sometimes takes longer to run
    • tests become brittle
  • what is the name of broken functionality that was working?: regression
  • when are unit tests run
  • what is the usual expectation for a sprint deliverable?:
    • write the code
    • write the tests
    • tests run at build and all pass
    • commit as completed/tested
  • what/where java naming conventions?
  • class naming conventions if an interface exists: placeholderImpl
  • the basic difference between noun classes (pojos) and verb classes (services)
  • what services offer curated libaries for the enterprise?
  • how do leetcode and similar sites play into the mix?
  • What is the difference between FANG Facebook Amazon Netflix Google and more typical employers?
  • what does it feel like to break the build?
  • what does it feel like to break production?
  • on the face of calculator which are services?
  • this graphic describing concerns of your interviewer:
  • what is happy path v edge case
  • what are the 4 principles of object oriented programming?:
    • encapsulation
    • inheritance
    • polymorphism
    • abstraction
  • how would you describe ... [inheritance] and how would you use it in an example
  • how to tie in [unit testing] into another question?:
    • "when I am unit testing for" blah blah, "I look for"
    • "This is why I unit test for " blah blah "I look for"
    • "In my bootcamp assignments I did maybe 100 unit tests but only 7 or were " blah blah
    • that is a bit more like happy path programming
  • how to tie in [dependency injection] into another question?: