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Git Drills - 5

Git reps are mostly muscle memory reps around the repetive actions you wil take as a typical programmer on a typical enterprise team.

  • Describe a use case for using git stash and go through the sequence of events
  • What to do if you realize you should have been doing these latest changes on a branch?
  • What is the difference between git fetch and git pull?
  • When to make a branch? From what other branch?
  • What is the "default" branch for most shops?
  • What is the default branch for github?
  • What is a merge conflict and how to resolve one?
  • How to examine git history of commits?
  • How to examine who did what to a file and when?
  • How to examine the branch history of a repository?
  • How to explore the actual metadata of a git repository?
  • How to keep a file or folder from being added to a repository?
  • How to remove something from a resository that should never have been added?
  • Name two major types of files/folders that should never be committed to a repository, and why?
  • How to "go back" to a previous version and examine it.
  • How to "go back" to a previous version and make it the latest?
  • How to compare two different commits?
  • Discuss strategies for checkpointing and commits.
  • How to use a standards base commit tool?
  • How to make a shell script to automate commit/push
  • When to merge back with the default branch?