Git Drills - 2
Git reps are mostly muscle memory reps around the repetive actions you wil take as a typical programmer on a typical enterprise team.
This session focuses on the absolute minimum steps to contribute to an open source project or repository. (As opposed to the next drills, which are joining a team.)
Git Team Contributions - Open Source Version
- Fork the open source project into your own remote repository
- Clone your forked repository to a local workspace
- Make the desired change or contribution
- If related to an "issue" note that issue for your commit message.
- Commit to your local clone of the fork
- Push to your remote forked repository
- From github, make a Pull Request to open sourced project
- [Observe the Pull Request being processed by the project owner]
What have you learned?
- Some idea of the differences between a fork and a clone
- How to use commit messages to tie into a github issue
- How to create a Pull Request
- How a Pull Request gets reviewed
- How a Pull Request gets merged