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CRUD Drills - 4

This is how we could start the app. process of learning full stack.

We could learn the absolute basics here without as much confusing stuff.


  • database or any persistence
  • permissions or even an idea of a user
  • any REST stuff (just HTML)
  • No local storage either


One table only, with:

  • Thymeleaf
  • Basic a9 - a14 like java package structures
  • all CRUD views for that one table

Possible extra to add value and make it easier

  • maybe some special routines for seeding data at startup

Objectives for learning:

  • basic debugging at testing at the smallest possible level
  • browser dev-tools basics like network, console, source files
  • make sure know which of systems (thymeleaf, html, server) is doing which thing
  • reps reps reps
