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These drills focus on getting reps - or repetitive actions - around the things that you need to:

  • Interview well, and confidently.
  • Perform on the job, with ease - using what you have learned here.

Introducing the 5 Pillars - by Trevor

From 0:30 to 5:30 on Trevor's video below - the discussion of the 5 pillars can help you prepare for much of what you need as a foundation for the reps linked below and at left. (Watching the entire video is not required.)

Reps and CheckIn Schedule -

This calendar to the Check In / Reps sessions is also linked in the footer below:

Reps == Repetition == Muscle Memory

With these reps that we do as a team or a group, we are pumping skills and understanding deeper into our muscle memory.

Reps Motivation

Let $ be your motivator. Think of yourself as attending reps sessions only to jack up your paycheck. A well rehearsed and well informed coder would almost always get a bigger paycheck, especially on your first job.

Reps on anything can be boring, because - by definition, they are [wait for it] repetitive. Coding reps are no different.

Potential Benefits

  • Get employed sooner.
  • Inspire interviewers to offer you an extra $10k to $20k
  • Increased confidence at interview time.
  • Feel dramatically more solid on the job.
  • Get that first raise sooner/bigger.

How do we know that these are possible? Because when our graduates have this extra experience, we have seen one or more of these happen.

It is a top priority for every bootcamper to have this opportunity.

Scheduling Notes

There are 2 sessions each for Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays. This allows you a second choice, when one schedule doesn't work.

We can also arrange other approaches when required:

  • 1-1 sessions whenever the team approach isn't the right one
  • Specially scheduled slots such as might be necessary for European or other differences.