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Conventions and Following Standards

What follows below can be used as a checklist. Are you up to the latest conventions, in your personal habits?

These are only recommendatations. Yet, recommendations may seem like requirements, once you start asking for help. You may find a practical side to the Standards and Conventions that coders follow, generally.

You get to do it your way, and sometimes, you should. When working with others, shared approaches may be key to your success.

That same advice becomes even more practical, once you begin your career as an enterprise developer. For example, your new employer will almost always require to use its templates and setups.

Standards? or Just Hygiene?

Even if you decide to do things your own way - that is your right - hygiene is your best friend, when working with code.

For example, placing your files in a consistent and well understood manner is the kind of hygiene that may keep you from becoming distracted or frustrated as you progress through the course.

Adopting your own naming conventions, or those of others, the primary benefit is from having a convention in the first place.

This is the kind of thing that defines "hygiene" within your new work environment.

Java naming standards


Spaces in File Names


Formatting and linting