Which IDE?
Eclipse is our default IDE - specifically enterprised java version
I definitely open up my projects in both VSCode and Eclipse and even IntelliJ - sometimes at the same time.
VSCode seems just entirely better at all things html/css/javascript
You might want to modify your gitignore file though to not commit all or some of the IDE metadata files
You will definitely be using (Eclipse or Intellij)for your Java if my experience is any judge. I still use VSCode but rarely if ever do I find VSCode suitable for java - Eclipse has had almost 20 years to get better in java.
The paid version of IntelliJ has excellent support also for html/css/javascript but you will find that it is an acquired taste. VSCode makes this a difficult area to compete in.
What do you use?
I use 3 - each for a totally different purpose - but often on the same project: Eclipse for anything related to teaching java in the bootcamp VSCode for anything not java - bootcamp or my personal web work IntelliJ for doing java work that is not related to bootcamp This can get just a little confusing at first because like on the Cars project it has java and also html/css So I do my Cars java on eclipse, and my Cars html/css on VSCode
Why do my eclipse keystrokes fail on mac?:
Short version is IMO eclipse totally sucks on a mac
I am missing tons of my normal shortcuts that I was always used to - which really sucks because I was a power user in eclipse, at one time
Until I started teaching the bootcamp I didn’t even know about this, because when I moved to mac in 2013 I also moved to IntelliJ which works great on a mac - even the free version.