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Tips for Your Final Project

Some of these are also featured on other pages but here are some notes.

  • Know your why! Make sure you are doing this to make yourself look good to a prospective employer, not to just get finished with bootcamp!!!
  • Study the best of and copy ideas from others
  • Cut features if it's features vs polish. At least, within reasonable bounds.
  • Budget lots of time for thinking and planning.
  • Start your planning process very early in the bootcamp, if you can.
  • Get plenty of eyeballs on your work. Welcome constructive criticism from other bootcampers
  • Spend some time thinking about your prospective employer. What would he or she wish to see in your final project?
  • This doesn't have to be your final portfolio project. You can get it to a degree of completion, use it to graduate CodersCampus, then add to it later for a more complete portfolio project.