How To Watch a Final Project Presentation
Ask questions!
When you're on Assignment 2 or 6 you might get a chance to watch a fellow bootcamper present his Final Project. This is actually pretty cool, but it can also be overwhelming.
You might have so many questions to ask, if you could only think of them!
So instead we hang back and let the other guys ask the questions, for fear that we would feel bad if others knew how overwhelmed we felt :) Hey, we're only human.
Here are some ideas that could seed your own questions
Your mileage may vary! Review these notes made from previous sessions and ask yourself if any of these remind you of your own questions.
- Did you do the security part of the app before during or after the rest of the app?
- Can you show how the security piece protects access of any page from some roles?
- Did you use any external tutorials or code sources for the security piece? Or just Trevor's video?
- How much of the login registration UI did you have to code?
- Did you make a 2 minute video of your app for showing to potential interviewers?
- How is it helping with interviews so far?
- Did you also deploy your app to heroku/railway (Such as Ogulcan's movie app)?
- External HTML templates? If so, where did you get your templates?
- What were your most googled resources?
- How hard was it for you to learn the Thymeleaf or React syntax?
- Did you do any client side lookups to feed the value of a join table object?
- how did you fare with all the js you had to do?
- Does your app us JS promises? Did you find the async side of JS hard to learn?
- Did you converse with other students much when resolving coding issues?
- [if react or angular] what about that experience? How did you acquire the knowledge?
- Did you go down any dead ends?
- What was the hardest part or took the most time?
- Was there an unexpectedly easy part?
- Do you have other features you would like to add? Do you think you will?
- How many domain classes/tables/entities did the app persist into the database?
- After completing this how is your confidence for working on a similar team based app?
- Did you have any many to many relationships and did the ORM handle them well?
- Were there external REST APIs used? If so what went well, what didn't?
- Were there entities used that were not persisted to the database?
- Comments protected from sql injection?
- What was the motivation for this app?
- How did store images in db?
- Did you use a template for the visuals?
- What was the trickiest part? most difficult part?
- If movies api then why movies in db
- What api did you use and did you have to pay?
If the developer put up his app weeks in advance:
- What bugs did you have to fix?
- Were all the bugs discovered by the first users?
- Did the bugs fit a pattern that you expected? Or were there surprises?
- How long did it take to fix the bugs?
- Did you find that people reported bugs or just didn't tell you?