Best Examples of Final Projects
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Danger Will Robinson! Danger!
Be really careful viewing everything on this page, because it can be easy to become deflated by others who came into the bootcamp with advantages you didn't have, such as certain types of previous experience.
Instead, bring your curiosity and desire to learn. It's totally OK to copy other people's ideas!
More often than not, other students would be delighted to answer questions. Remember - immitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Please advise (or submit a Pull Request) if your project should have been included on any of these lists below:
If you are featured below it would help us to have
Or better yet, if you are not featured below and should be please LMK, our students need the best examples they can find!
- Github URL
- What do you have for documentation? Before - and as-built?
- Do you have a screen recording of the demo available?
- Do you have it deployed and working on a public server somewhere such as Heroku?
- What extra stacks did you use besides the usual taught in the bootcamp?
- How do you present this to your prospective employers?
- Do you have tips for other bootcampers on their final project?
If you want to make your own screen recording like the ones you see below, try this for initial tips and or ping one of those guys and ask them about their own experience.
Best Presentation for Prospective Employers
- First thing is that this is probably the most important thing to be best at. If not for presenting to prospective employers, why even boot camp?
- Moe Alquraishi blazed the trail, on this one, although it was immediately copied by others. So we feature him as best, because he pioneered it.
Moe Alquraishi recorded a screencast of his Final Project being used in real time. In a simple 7 minutes, the interviewing employer gets a great view of Moe's capability.
Best Public Deployment
Dude! Do this if you want to impress your future employer the most! Deploy it on heroku for him to actually use the app!!!
This is Ethan Brantley's app
Or, the github url for the same app's code is here
If you want to emulate Ethan's success - he said "It did come in handy in my interview though, they seemed to appreciate it".
Go to go to youtube, search for deploy spring boot app with mysql db on heroku follow one of those and use the Heroku free tier. The video he used was this one
And this: "The quirk though is that I kept having version errors on Java, so I eventually just changed my application to run java 8. And it worked."
Best Visual Polish
Ercan's project wins this category hands down - even though we have had a lot of other great ones. Check out Ercan's Youtube or his code If you could interview him, he is very modest about it "Oh, I just used an html template project I found on the web." Quite well - you might reply.
Please help by submitting your project for consideration in this area. There are so many great candidates I did not go through the rest. Do you have a youtube video of your app in use yet?
Best Spring Security Implementation
Tristan wins this so far, mostly because he has the best demo video demonstrating this code. Others may subplant him, as we do further reviews.
Best Use of Externally Available APIs
Niles wins this one so far - but he needs to provide a demo video and a codebase to me so I can paste it in here.
Best Early Planning Process
Click thumbnails (it took two large images, just to show all his database tables in relation to each other) and think about how much Mina had to understand about the retail business, to construct this schema.
Mina did this just to submit a proposal for a Final Project.
I rejected this as Final Project instantly, though. For example, if you only had two of the four C R U and D views for each of these tables, that would mean building 42 views. Not to mention the business logic, etc. Yeah. that might be a couple years of work. A bit ambitious for a Final Project.
Most Fearless CRUD JPA
[hmmm not sure might need to review these. Ethan? Niles? Dustin?]
Cleanest, Most Well Tested Code
[hmmm no idea on this one]
Best React or Similar
[hmmm does anyone use anything other than thymeleaf?]
Best Technical Stretch w Stacks
[Tristan's web sockets? Ercan's use of a web template? Also several others used tailwind or bootstrap.]