U3L04 - methods
This lesson drills what Trevor teaches in U3L04
- You have performed each of previous drills to reach a top speed, and then repeated top speed 10x
- Follow this for all drills explainer
- Or this if you haven't even installed the drills yet installation
Summary of what is drilled
A Disciplined Approach? holds that these items should never again allow any confusion in your mind about this list of what Trevor covered in this lesson:
- reminder: These concepts transferrable across similar OO languages
- TIP: MUST MEMORIZE parts to a method include (optional) visibility modifier, return type, methodName, parameter requirements and their type, and scope
- compiler checks that actual returned is same data type as data type specified
- to combine Strings into one String, use the
to "concatenate" multiple Strings - it is OK to break up a line of code on the
character, for example - TIP: MUST MEMORIZE method shown as a way to re-use same block of code instead of copyPasting same code multiple times!!!!! To reduce code duplication.
- by "extracting" code and placing it inside the scope of a method
Instructor Administered Test
- Create a new project
- Create a new package
- Create a new class with a new
public static void main
method - declare and assign an int variable named wahHoo of 73
- create the class for Dinosoar with the String properties of weight, color, length
- from the main method, declare and instantiate a Dinosoar object named oscar
- from the main method, set the properties of oscar using dot properties
- create a method named
within Dinosoar that returns a String explaining what the weight, color and length of the dinosoar - print the oscar object in the console and observe the details
- name the primary "win" or motive for creating a method, when instead the details are already available?