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U2L09 - if

This lesson drills what Trevor teaches in U2L09


  • You have performed each of previous drills to reach a top speed, and then repeated top speed 10x
  • Follow this for all drills explainer
  • Or this if you haven't even installed the drills yet installation

Summary of what is drilled

A Disciplined Approach? holds that these items should never again allow any confusion in your mind about this list of what Trevor covered in this lesson:


  • how to do a String concatenation
  • defines a control structure as opening idea for an if
  • relates everything back to a boolean
  • the if() scope is the {}
  • what is a block of code - anything between two {} including nested blocks {{}}
  • where not to put ; relative to blocks of code
  • java ignores whitespace
  • if(){}else{} control structures
  • operator > v >=

Instructor Administered Test

  • Create a new project
  • Create a new package
  • Create a new class with a new public static void main method
  • declare and assign an int variable named attitude of 8
  • write code that prints if you have an attitude of higher than 7 then you will persist, else you might give up, but either way you can learn from your experience.