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U2L07 - String

This lesson drills what Trevor teaches in U2L07


  • You have performed each of previous drills to reach a top speed, and then repeated top speed 10x
  • Follow this for all drills explainer
  • Or this if you haven't even installed the drills yet installation

Summary of what is drilled

A Disciplined Approach? holds that these items should never again allow any confusion in your mind about this list of what Trevor covered in this lesson:


  • char is also covered
  • hex values chart and equivalents
  • '\u0021' maps to ! etc
  • char letterA = 'A'
  • what happens if 'AB' error must be single charachter
  • two chars added together 'A' + 'B' = a numeric value of 131
  • "There is really no call to use a char ..."
  • String is an object, not a primitive thus String not string
  • "AB" is a String
  • String is array of chars but we don't know what an array is yet
  • How to write a String with quote in this? Escape character "